Sunday, October 5, 2008

Susaku Game #12

In this game Shusaku playing against a peer, Black had a rather fast-paced opening, placed group over top edge, right edge and quite a moyo down left bottom corner. But thing start fall in Shusaku's favor when B's invasion and attack on Shusaku's left top group failed, the invasion/attack failure came side effects:
  • Shusaku's left top group escaped untouched
  • Black's left top group became very weak, as it later played out-only two eyes
  • Shusaku's left center group got one sente eye-this change the thickness of that group a LOT
  • Black also lost eye shape over the top, that group basically will have to live in gote if Black choose to
  • What is worst side effect? one weak group in the center right beside the two weak stones over the right edge-if White(Shusaku) lean against(threaten to attack) one of these groups, he could probably swallow the other group in a big way!
Black choosed to give up the group over the top and strengten the center and right side groups, Shusaku played a very clean yose(end game)-reduced the left bottom white moyo, while Black took his right bottom corner, he broke into the bottom edge and created some territory in the center...while the game record saying Shusaku won by 2 pts, but I think that is 2 pts without komi for White(7-8 pts with komi).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Shusaku Game #11

KO is perhaps in the essense of a Go game, White of this game, Shusaku's teacher, started quite an attack at Shusaku's center and left bottom groups. By giving up the KO of right bottom corner, Black settled his center weak groups. And later in the game, there is another KO over the left top corner, Black hang on and forced White not to make the KO even bigger.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shusaku Game #10

We often say Shusaku's play was solid, which does not mean he didn't put pressure on his opponent. Even when his group was running, his opponent still felt the pain-in this game, Shusaku running his left center group but dragging TWO(or should I say THREE?) groups of White along with it. After forcing White left top group into settling down with 2 eyes, Shusaku exchanged his right top corner with White's top center group....The result? the center White group became weak and had to run towards lower right corner-the same direction White's left bottom group was running towards. In the end, the right bottom White moyo evapourated, and the left bottom group of White got captured.