Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shusaku Game #15

This is a game in which Shusaku seemed to lost his grip. White made a move at left bottom corner, to which Black decided to play somewhere else. Black used 4 moves to surround one white stone at right bottom corner which was not a good choice as White not only invaded the bottom edge also put the weak Black bottom group in his crosshair. In order to find two eyes for that weak group, Black gave White a big influence outside. And when Black tried built moyo over right top corner, White brilliantly sacrificed stoned and built another wall along right edge, gave him potential to made a huge territory in the center. After that, Black made move to invade the top of the board, White let it live but built the third wall around the center. After sacrificing a few more stones, White removed some bad Aji of the left top corner and started to work on killing the left top Black group-that group only had one and half gote eyes at best....Black resigned

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